Administrative officers wrest control of the environment ministry, relegating scientists to the sidelines

Judicial activism in the Supreme Court has created major reforms in the protection of human rights and has put the court in a unique position to intervene when it sees violations of these fundamental rights.

Minutes of the third meeting of the "Gujarat Coastal Zone Management Authority" held on 26/08/2002 at Gandhinagar.

The National Conservation Strategy and the Policy Statement on Environment and Development are in response to the need for laying down the guidelines that will help to weave environmental considerations into the fabric of our national life and of
our development process. It is an expression of our commitment for reorienting policies and action in unison with the environmental perspective.

This book is a welcome addition to the growing literature on the joint forest management (JFM) programme. The beginnings of this initiative can be dated to the early 1970s, when people had just begun

The Central Pollution Control Board recently informed the Delhi High Court that draft emission norms for 800 KVA diesel gensets had been finalised and the Ministry of Environment and Forests was

A database is imperative, yet is nowhere in sight

A CAG report castigates the government for its poor implementation of the Ganga Action Plan

Project Tiger has been the first major conservation scheme in India. It has gone through phases of vex and vane. All eyes are set on the fate of charismatic tiger. Every possible effort is being made to save the tiger in spite of various odds. Ironically, demand for tiger parts and products outside India is causing a death blow to tigers in India. Decreasing number of tigers outside India is further accentuating pressure on tigers in India. The project tiger status report has been prepared for the first time to put facts and figures before all concerned.

Mismanagement in India's premier forestry research institute
