With Pakistan's top scientists confessing that they played a key role in developing Iran's nuclear programme, the existence of a grey market peddling the lethal weapons has been confirmed. The

Standards to assess radiation induced cancer are correct

Prisoners of the Nuclear Dream

North Korea has finally acknowledged having a secret nuclear arms programme involving enriched ura

The us and South Korea are goading North Korea into complying with a provision of a 1994 nuclear agreement which calls for inspections to determine the total weapons-grade material Pyongyang

Even a limited Indo Pak war would see three million deaths

Where does Afghanistan go from here? Does it have the capacity to utilise the funds? There are too many players, too many interests and too much confusion

Despite marathon wars, Afghan resilience is intact. So is their affiliation to localised independence

Afghanistan, the badland of international politics, faces its toughest challenge: life and peace. Two decades of war, six months of non stop bombing and incessant US efforts to establish a friendly government, make this a bitter dream. One tenth of its po


Fishy Deaths An animal doctor has said that thousands of fish died on fish farms near Baghdad due to banned weapons dropped by us forces against Iraq. According to Dhahir Habib Dhahir,
