Children of war: the real casualties are the poor and the marginalised

radioactive fallout from Cold War nuclear weapons tests throughout the world caused at least 15,000 cancer deaths in the us, revealed a us government study made public recently. The health

Cold War nuclear testing has caused 11,000 cancer deaths in the US

health hazards bombarded from space! Yes. Siberians have witnessed the influx of these

India s first public hearing on a nuclear reactor in Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu, fails to take off

PRABHANJAN VERMA The film is a critical analysis of the left wing stand in Kerala on the sensitive nuclear arms issue. It portrays the tug-of-war between the official party line that has

Twenty three persons staying in the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia, during the Kosovo war have developed diseases linked to the

The us navy tests in Vieques, an island of Puerto Rico, have caused an increase of cancer cases on the island by 52 per cent. Medical reports show that cancer cases among the 9,300 Viequenses

britain has resumed test firing of depleted uranium (du) shells. The test firings were banned after there was a public outcry of its health effects. The tests were conducted at the Dundrennan

The effects of the Balkan war is beginning to show on NATO soldiers
