Environment minister Jairam Ramesh and the Director General of Shipping have initiated probes into the oil spill that took place when two Panamanian merchant ships collided off the Mumbai coast resulting in an oil spill.

MUMBAI: The Coast Guard on Sunday sounded an alert over the oil spill off the Mumbai coast as the slick covered a large area, up to five nautical miles, from the spot where two ships collided on Saturday morning.

NEW ORLEANS: As BP works to finally kill its runaway well and anxious coastal residents breathe a sigh of relief, experts warn it could take years

Mumbai Cargo ship MSC Chitra that collided with another

Vernon Asper was one of the first researchers in the Gulf of Mexico to
study the oil gushing out from the BP well. But it has not all been
smooth sailing, reports Mark Schrope.

The BP spill is by far the world

The vast majority of the oil from the BP oil spill has either
evaporated or been burned, skimmed, recovered from the wellhead or
dispersed  much of which is in the process of being degraded. A
significant amount of this is the direct result of the robust federal
response efforts.

BP may permanently shut the well that caused the worst off-shore oil spill in US history as early as Monday, the company said as speculation grew over assets it might sell to cover mounting costs.

It started with a story in the Press-Register of Mobile, Alabama. On 16 July, the paper reported that beleaguered oil giant BP was hurriedly signing up scientists to gather data for the company, to aid its defence in cases arising from the Deepwater Horizon spill. The catch was that these lucrative contracts also restricted the scientists

Reaches Closed As Oil Spreads To 430sqkm

Beijing: China
