Every year, the EU promotes European agriculture with almost 60 billion euros per year. The agricultural atlas of the Heinrich Böll Foundation shows that hardly any of this money is used for healthy food, the protection of the environment, climate and biodiversity or the preservation of small and medium-sized businesses.

Every year, the EU promotes European agriculture with almost 60 billion euros per year. The agricultural atlas of the Heinrich Böll Foundation shows that hardly any of this money is used for healthy food, the protection of the environment, climate and biodiversity or the preservation of small and medium-sized businesses.

The future of farming has to look different from farming today. Tremendously different.

Nigerian scientists, farmers and entrepreneurs have intensified efforts to rev up organic food, beverage as well as product development and production not only through advocacy, but also active inv

Balochistan on Wednesday marked the certification of Pakistan's first organic cotton bale at a ceremony held at Kot Sabzal.

Chandigarh: The Punjab government on Tuesday bagged the ‘Jaivik India Award’ for promotion and implementation of organic farming.

Agriculture and allied sectors provide employment to close to half of the workforce of the country and contribute about 17 per cent of national income. Among the ten major sectors of Indian economy the contribution of agriculture is highest both in employment as well as in value added output.

Trade and participation in global value chains can play a key role in economic diversification and development. This paper deepens the discussion about productivity growth and upgrading in agriculture in Africa, and the role of national, regional, and international value chains in supporting such structural change.

Measuring what matters in agriculture and food systems presents a synthesis of the results and recommendations of the TEEB for Agriculture and Food’s Scientific and Economic Foundations report, which demonstrates how to capture the complex reality of today’s diverse and intertwined “eco-agrifood” systems in order to evaluate their performance i

Ranchi: Lending a fillip to organic farming in the state, the Jharkhand government has decided to identify and develop 3,000 clusters across Jharkhand for promotion of organic farming.
