The nurse who was visiting the PHC at Devarmalai a few months ago has stopped coming
Locked: The Primary Health Sub-Centre at Devarmalai in Bargur Hills has not been functioning properly for the past few months forcing villagers to go down plains to the Government Hospital in Anthiyur.
Change is inevitable; it is truly the only constant. Often change is hard to detect, particularly in amorphous domains such as governance and development. Be assured though that India is changing, even if at a glacial pace. The Seventh India Today State of the States Report reveals that the gravity of growth is shifting to emerging geographies, even if gradually.
The community health centre (CHC) in the small town of Chomu, near Jaipur, is cited as a model unit of the government healthcare system, which has seen a structural shift through the Rs 14,127-crore National Rural Health Mission (NRHM).
With initial cost of Rs 300 million, the Punjab government is going to introduce mobile health unit system in three tehsils of the province to extend quality health services to the people of those areas.
Two shots of measles vaccine given during childhood protect a person for life. Four shots of polio vaccine do the same. But flu shots must be taken every year. And even so, they provide less than complete protection.
Old Ways A hurdle to faster flu vaccine production is that current methods use chicken eggs to grow the virus.
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The National Rural Health Mission (Arogya Keralam) has sanctioned Rs 5 crore for the Ayurarogyam project which envisages comprehensive geriatric care focussing on one block of Primary Health Centres.