The government had no respect for the Supreme Court s order or the desire to implement it

Privatisation of the Kaiga atomic plant generates a lot of heat

Supreme Court order dated 26/03/2001 in the case of M. C. Mehta Vs Union of India and Ors on vehicular pollution in Delhi.

Will multinational corporations take over the UN?

How badly will the millennium bug hit India? While the Y2K Action Force says most government institutions will be able to meet the deadline, there is a sense of panic all around

Earlier it was deforestation, now it is mining that threatens the once stately Aravallis with total destruction

Private companies investing in dams is bad news for the environment

In a desperate attempt to contain growing pollution, the authorities in Bangkok have decided to lease city services worth over US $1 billion to private companies. Bangkok is one of the most polluted

Supreme Court order dated 28/07/1998 in the case of M. C. Mehta Vs Union of India & Ors on vehicular pollution in Delhi.

A major overhaul of polluting industries in West Bengal is being chalked out by Manabendra Mukherji , the state s minister for youth services, environment and tourism. He recently spoke to
