As an expanding economy looks for fuel for further growth, India needs to raise its coal production. But Sriprakash Jaiswal, minister of state (indpendent charge) for coal, faces challenges from the Maoists as well as form environmental lobbies. In an interview, Jaiswal discusses his plans to meet these challenges and also the future of the coal sector.

The passage by both houses of Parliament of the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill, 2010 marks yet another step in the United Progressive Alliance government

The Parliamentary committee report on

This report seeks to inform decision makers seeking to prioritise RD&D investments in a time of financial uncertainty. It is an update of the December 2009 IEA report Global Gaps in Clean Energy Research, Development and Demonstration, which examined whether rates of LCET investment were sufficient to achieve shared global energy and environmental goals (IEA,2009a).

This study highlights the central role of capacity development for scaling up rural energy service delivery and to catalyze private financing for achieving universal energy access and the MDGs. Although it takes considerable upfront public investment to kick-start capacity development, once these investments have been made they can attract substantial financing from private sources.

The objectives of this policy are: to harness the hydropower capacity of the State in a manner that is consistent with policy of the State Government; to generate and provide employment opportunities to the people of the State, particularly those who live in the project areas; to develop hydropower projects in an eco-friendly manner causing minimum distress to affected people; to secure the long t

The poor may be connected to the main electricity or water network. However, in areas where they do not have access to the main network, they are usually served by alternative service providers. Alternative service providers are an often unconsidered element of private sector provision of energy and water services.

The Parikh Committee

A group of experts from the World Bank is to meet state government officials and review reforms in departments such as municipal administration, power, public distribution system and irrigation projects.

THE government will bid out at least two ultra mega power projects (UMPPs) of 4000mw each in April 2010 to make up for the slippage in power capacity addition in previous years, a senior power ministry official said.
