Scientists in the UK have developed an instrument that can do a quick assessment of water quality. "The instrumentation is portable and computer controlled and can provide accurate information on the

Japanese electronic giant Casio has come up with the world's first wristwatch-style camera. WQV-1, as it is called, weighs just 32 grammes and can take black and white pictures through a tiny lens

Hydrogenated fat, also called trans fatty acids, are used by the food industry to increase shelf life and flavour in a wide variety of products, including french fries, crackers, cookies and snack

The Pacific killer whale, orcas, could be one of the most contaminated marine mammals

Giving birth may ruin one's figure and take up all free time, but having children may also boost memory power, claims a new study. Craig

Cradling the phone between the neck and shoulder is certainly not good for the neck. But for one French psychiatrist, it was bad for his brain too. After the psychiatrist, 43, talked that way over

It may now be possible to transplant hair from one person to the other

A vegetarian diet can improve the functioning of lungs and also control blood sugar in diabetics

Scientists in the UK claim to have developed a liquid that can replace the traditional methods of cleaning up the sea after an oil spill. Stephen Mudge, a marine scientist at the School of Ocean

Many rivers in Australia are in a poor state, say researchers
