Rural power not happening

Power is the key to the economic growth of Uttaranchal. Realising this, the government has framed a power policy that aims to exploit the State's immense hydro-electric potential.

The State has the potential to produce 25,000 MW of power and has already identified projects to generate 20,000 MW.

Jyotirgram Yojana scheme brings 24-hour power supply to Gujarat's villages.

Rural areas of India are characterised by very low per capita energy consumption and in most places commercial energy like electricity is not available. Thus, it is a matter of concern that 60% of rural households still use kerosene for lighting. Besides, 180 million tons of biomass is used in rural areas for cooking through very inefficient and smoky stoves. Cooking and lighting energy constitute 75% of total energy used in rural areas. Jan-Mar 2005

This study uses optimization modeling to study efficient ways to integrate renewable energy systems to provide electricity and heat in rural Japan. The model provides minimum cost system configuration and operation taking into account hour-by-hour energy availability and demand. Grid electricity is available to rural areas of Japan, but it is relatively expensive. Local renewable energy generation can be economic while using grid electricity to compensate for the intermittency of the renewable generation.

Majority of rural households in India use only kerosene for lighting. Most of the lamps are hurricane-type, which produce very poor light intensity of about 60

Scientists develop a solar powered lamp designed to light up rural Kenya

The villages of Thulo Pokhara and Raje Danda of Nepal's Kavre

A microhydel project a day. Communities snatch the

Whether it is Asia or Europe, countries find a new mantra: decentralise and electrify
