A new World Bank Report says decentralizing power generation and distribution to the local level through the distribution grid of the state utility by using renewable energy sources will help reduce prolonged outages and increase electricity supply in rural areas.

Chennai: The State Government has assured South Africa of help in rural electrification and renewable energy. Harris Majeke, High Commissioner, South Africa, along with David Nkosi, First Secretary (Politicai), South African High Commission from New Delhi called on Arcot N.

This comparative analysis of two biomass - based decentralized renewable energy companies operating in Bihar, DESI Power and Husk Power Systems, provides insight into business strategy and technological suitability of biomass based decentralized energy generation plants for rural India and highlights critical elements that may be of high relevance for replicating similar solutions in other geographical locations.

Energy poverty is a frequently used term among energy specialists, but unfortunately the concept is rather loosely defined. Several existing approaches measure energy poverty by defining an energy poverty line as the minimum quantity of physical energy needed to perform such basic tasks as cooking and lighting. This
paper proposes an alternative measure that is based on
energy demand.

Minister of State for Energy (Independent Charge) Rajendra Shukla said that the target of feeder separation and Rajiv Gandhi Rural Electrification Project should be achieved by December 2012. Shukla was reviewing the activities of Madhya Pradesh East Region Electricity Distribution Company at Jabalpur today.

This new analysis published by WRI in collaboration with Center for Development Finance-IFMR focuses on the energy needs of India's rural poor and looks at the market potential for clean and renewable energy in rural India.

Innovate Rural Electrification

THE International Energy Agency (IEA) has highlighted that over 20% of the global population or 1.4 billion people lack access to electricity, which hinders economic and social development. Here in India, the grim reality is that almost half the population in rural areas has little or no supply of power.

BHUBANESWAR: THE State Government had decided to electrify 2,000 villages by nonconventional energy sources by March, 2012. A decision to this effect was taken at a highlevel meeting presided over by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik here today.

So far the State Government has provided electricity to 395 villages by solar energy out of the 600 villages which had been taken up.

Electricity from rural cellphone towers in poor countries could chill vaccines, saving 5 million lives every year, say Harvey Rubin and Alice Conant.
