The Central Government has released grants to Assam, Mizoram and West Bengal to ensure total sanitation that includes doing away with the practice of open defecation in rural areas.

Every village in the taluk should give importance to cleanliness and the villagers should live a good civilised life, said legislator Varthur R Prakash.

The Himachal Pradesh government has chalked out a plan to actively engage the state

To strengthen outcome-focused management of the rural sanitation sector in India, the Water and Sanitation Program

One of the central premises of TSSM is that local governments can provide the vehicle to scale up rural sanitation. In all three TSSM countries

In October 2008 the United Nations University Institute
for Water, Environment and Health invited international
representatives from NGOs, government, academia and the UN to a meeting to discuss barriers and to identify breakthroughs to providing sanitation for all. This document has been compiled to summarize the discussions, place them within the current

The main objectives of Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NGP) are: to bring sanitation to the forefront of social and political discourse for development in rural India; to develop open defecation free and clean villages that will act as models for others to emulate; to give incentive to PRIs to sustain the initiatives taken by them to eliminate the practice of open defecation from their respective geographic

This latest report by the WHO/UNICEF presents current status and trends in 209 countries towards reaching the drinking water & sanitation MDG target, along with an assessment as to what these trends reveal.

It is said that old habits die hard, but the hill state is surging ahead on the path of becoming completely free from open defecation by the end of 2010.
