Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal has announced Rs 100 crore for construction of toilets in villages of Punjab under the Rajiv Gandhi Pendu Jan Sehat Kalyan Yojna. Making this announcement on the floor of the House during question hour, Badal said

This note deals with the problem of manual scavenging in India as a form of caste and occupationbased social exclusion. It tries to explore the causes and reasons for the continuance of this social evil in India with a case study of Ghazipur district in eastern Uttar Pradesh.

): An important factor of the economic crisis is the underlying stagnation in yields per acre of major crops, a study of Planning Commission (PC) reported. Agriculture experts revealed that if the yield potential of the medium and small size farm sector is achieved, food shortages can be converted into food surpluses.

For proper ecological maintenance, upkeep
ARIYALUR: A total of 25 village panchayats in the district have bagged the

This report presents the findings of research carried out in Nepal, as part of a study into the equity and sustainability of WaterAid

Maharashtra is the first state in India to formulate a women policy in 1994, which was subsequently revised in 2001. This policy provides for participation, protection, economic development, capacity building and creation of a supportive environment for women.

Four decades ago, when Bindeshwar Pathak began his work on changing unsanitary latrine practices, there were sceptics galore. Today, Pathak

Villages near Tiruchirapalli show the city how to manage sewage

The objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of a sanitation campaign that combines “shaming” (i.e. emotional motivators) with subsidies for poor households in rural Orissa, an Indian state with a disproportionately high share of India’s child mortality.

Original Source

The Census of 2002 to identify the poor in rural areas of India was the third in a quinquennial series. However, it has been appropriately criticised. This paper elaborates on the criticisms, and proposes an alternative set of criteria and methodology for conducting the next (now overdue) census of the rural population to identify the poor.
