Himachal Pradesh clears ski village project

The world's largest artificial diving reef and habitat for marine life was recently created by sinking a decommissioned us warship off the Florida coast. The 300-metre us Navy warship, the

This time it s an Iranian ship

Alang shipbreakers get a new lease of life

A New Jersey court found a Singapore shipping company guilty of seven felony charges and has fined it us $6.5 million for illegal dumping off the New Jersey coast. Wallenius Ship Management Pte

So Pakistani shipbreakers accept hazardous warships

Norwegian ship with asbestos refused entry into Bangladesh

For the third time, Le Clemenceau has been forced to turn back and return to France. The French government summoned the decommissioned ship back even though France's defence minister argued that

Shipbreakers tightlipped

A D Taylor, a commander in the Indian Navy, was the first in 1860 to propose a channel allowing ships to move between the eastern and the western coast without rounding Sri Lanka. The alignment he
