By the time you read this, the decision would have been taken: to allow or not to allow the French warship Le Clemenceau into India, so that it can be dismantled with unknown quantities of toxic

The Taiwanese government has announced that it will dismantle 120 tuna longline vessels, about five per cent of its fleet. Environmentalists praised this reduction as a boon for marine animals

Emissions of the shipping sector are extremely high

India to restrict movement of old cargo ships

Worldwide protests mark unsafe nuclear shipment s return journey from Japan to UK

Andhra Pradesh is in choppy waters over a proposed ship breaking yard at Vodarevu

the us department of justice has ordered a shipping company to pay compen-sation for an oil spill, which killed millions of lobsters and other wildlife of the Block Island Sound, near Rhode

The ministry of environment and forests has barred entry to ships that carry hazardous wastes, like polychlorinated biphenyl, which are banned under the Basel Convention. The decision has been taken

A technology developed in the US has opened new vistas for the sea vessel industry

Metal foams are useful in building lighter and safer vehicles
