A US-based company, Longhorn Partners Pipeline, have agreed not to ship petrol containing the additive Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE)

toxic chemicals used in ship paint are severely polluting the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Greece, reported a recent research. Sediment taken from Piraeus and Thessaloniki harbours and

The first commercial marine vessel to be powered by solar and wind energy was launched at Jervis Bay, Australia recently. The craft is scheduled to begin cruise opera

at last, after innumerable accidents and deaths of workers in the Alang ship-breaking yard in Gujarat, chief minister Keshubhai Patel has pulled up maritime officials for maintaining poor

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea has ordered the release of the ship Camouco registered in Panama and its Spanish master against a security of us $1.2 million. The vessel,

The Union labour ministry discusses the safety and health problems of the workers at Alang

Thousands suffer in India s ship breaking yards while an unconcerned government invites more ships for scrapping

The stand-off between Greenpeace activists and a shipping company at Botany Bay harbour in Sydney, Australia, has come as a wake-up call for South Asian countries where ship-breaking is a growing and

Traces of an oil slick from a damaged tanker have reached Pakistan's southern shore, threatening marine life and beaches, maritime and environment officials said. They estimate that nearly 5,000

The ministry of environment and forests has banned setting up of
