High levels of oil imports and high crude oil and gasoline prices in recent years have led to increased interest in the U.S. fuel supply. Recent congressional interest has focused on

pollution liability: Several oil majors in the US have agreed to pay up US $423 million in what is billed as the largest settlement over drinking-water contamination involving 153 public water

US energy bill passed by house of representatives

Curbing MTBE leak is best way to stop groundwater pollution

New Hampshire has become the first state in the US to take on oil giants such as ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco over widespread contamination of its surface water and groundwater due to gasoline additive methyl tertiary butyl ether MTBE . The state has sue

California s dilemma: clean air or clean water

A judge of a US superior court has ordered five major oil companies to clean up sites in San Francisco that have been contaminated with the gasoline additive methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE).

World s biggest oil company sued for MTBE spill

Brazil has raised the ethanol content of petrol from 20 per cent to 22 per cent from May 31, 2001. Ethanol, which can be produced from molasses

the Union government's much-delayed plan to introduce ethanol-blended petrol is finally being implemented. Field trials will soon begin at Miraj
