China now has 260 million sufferers of chronic diseases, which are being blamed for up to 85 percent of the country's deaths, according to the 2012-15 action plan on chronic-disease prevention and

British researchers have found the men quite fond of smoking actually go on to pass damaged DNA to their children as fathers while raising risk of cancer among them.

Back then, it was the epitome of macho style. Grey-haired daddies puffed on pipes, villains bit off cigars and Amitabh even made the bidi look hep when he lit one in Deewar.

New Delhi/Mumbai Reigning cola brands Coke, Thums Up and Pepsi and energy drinks such as Red Bull are set to lose a bit of their fizz with the government planning to make it mandatory for caffeinated beverages to flash a statutory warning stating they are not the ‘the right thing’ for certain sections of the population.

The Union health ministry may soon ask manufacturers of caffeinated drinks to carry the warning ‘Not recommended for children, pregnant or lactating women, persons sensitive to caffeine’ on the principal display panel of their products in a typeface sufficiently large and bold so that the message doesn’t go unnoticed.

Maharashtra is one of the highest users of tobacco in the country with 43 per cent adult males and 19 per cent adult females addicted to it.

The findings were published in the Global Adult Tobacco Survey in Maharashtra released here on Friday. According to the survey, the average age of daily initiation to tobacco is17.9 years in adult males and 21 years in adult females.

For making immense progress with the State's anti-tobacco campaign, the World Health Organisation has awarded Himachal Pradesh the WHO South East Asia Regional Office Award 2012. Disclosing this, an official spokesman said the State has achieved the target of making all district headquarters in the State smoke-free.

The State is taking effective steps through mass awareness programmes and law enforcement agencies and has constituted district level coordination and monitoring committees for its successful implementation.

More than 80 percent of Shanghai residents want smoking banned in restaurants and entertainment areas, a survey showed, reflecting a growing awareness of health issues in China, the world's top con

The World No Tobacco Day was observed in The University of Faisalabad on Friday.

JAIPUR: Jhunjhunu on Thursday earned the distinction of being the first smoke-free district in the state on World No Tobacco Day.

World No Tobacco Day was observed on Thursday. The focus this year was on addressing interference by the tobacco industry.
