‘We have brought in stringent laws to check smoking in public places’

Members of various non-government organisations working in the area of tobacco control have demanded that Delhi too join the various States across the country and ban gutka/smokless tobacco products sale in the Capital which will have a direct health benefit for over 10 lakh gutka users specially youngsters. Voluntary Health Association of India executive director Bhavna Mukhopadhyay said: “We have met with the Delhi Chief Minister on Monday and asked her to consider the ban.

PANJIM: Chief minister Manohar Parrikar today said that efforts would be continued to bring down the rate of tobacco consumption and would target the reduction to 6 per cent.

This statement was made after Sanquelim MLA Dr Pramod Sawant moved a motion congratulating the government for the State award conferred on it for ranking first in the list of States with the least tobacco consumption at 8.8 per cent.

KOHIMA: Nagaland State has earned the unenviable position of being ranked second among Indian states in terms of tobacco consumption, next to another small North-eastern State Mizoram.

According to latest survey conducted by Global Adult Tobacco, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), every second man and every third women in Nagaland is addicted to tobacco.

A smoker spends nearly Rs 384.10 a month on cigarettes on an average (a beedi smoker shells out Rs 126.5), according to the figures furnished by Global Adult Tobacco Survey of Karnataka for the year 2009-10.

The survey was officially released by Chief Minister Jagadish Shettar on Tuesday. It reveals that 28.3 per cent of adults — 39.8 per cent males and 16.3 per cent females — in the State use tobacco in some form.

NEW DELHI, 22 JULY: Smokers in Delhi seem the least interested in kicking the killer habit.

Strong evidence shows that physical inactivity increases the risk of many adverse health conditions, including major non-communicable diseases such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and breast and colon cancers, and shortens life expectancy. Because much of the world's population is inactive, this link presents a major public health issue.

People in the national capital are the least interested in stubbing out their smoking habit compared to other states in north India.

A new analysis on tobacco burden in north India has revealed that attempts to quit smoking have been the least in Delhi as compared to any other state in the region. Launched on Friday by Joint Secretary, Health Ministry, Shakuntala Gamlin, the analysis reveals that Haryana has the maximum number of cigarette smokers who made an effort to quit at some point or the other. While attempts to quit smoking were highest in Haryana at 34.2 per cent, Delhi recorded the least at just 12 per cent.

KOLKATA, 17 JULY: Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), a nationwide survey on tobacco users, conducted by the Central Ministry of Health and Family Welfare with the help of World Health Organisation

Panaji: In a bid to make Goa’s coastline tobacco-free, the tourism department is mulling a ban on its use on beaches from October, an official said today.

China has around 260 million people suffering from chronic diseases which are responsible 85 percent of all deaths, Beijing Times reported Tuesday citing a Ministry of Health report.
