See Score Card Raw material sourcing phase To rate the companies on the raw material sourcing phase, grp used the following indicators: the quality of input salt, transportation of salt,

Pondicherry-based Chemfab Alkalis Ltd (cal) has been rated as the greenest caustic-chlorine company in India. With an overall score of 46.7 per cent, it has been given the Three Leaves Award. Set

With lax regulations and a huge mercury loss unaccounted for, a disaster is waiting to happen in India

If the industry wants to survive in an environmentally conscious world, the search for chlorine alternatives must go hand in hand with product stewardship utter neglect - the state of state pollution control boards

UNDP s Human Development Report 2002 offers a link between politics and development

Forget health impacts, tiny particles floating in the air are altering regional climates and affecting monsoon patterns and agricultural yield. These particles could be emanating from diesel and industrial emissions, biomass burning for cooking, forest fi

The threats from aerosols are all pervading

Aerosol research is still in its infancy. Further studies will reveal the definitive long term impact of these tiny particles

could well become a myth by 2007. More than half of the world' s population by then would be urban dwelling. The urban ecological footprint would fall over larger proportions of common resources says the 'Global Environment Outlook Three' report of the Un
