Thailand threatens to take the US to the WTO for allowing a Texas based company to use "jasmati" as a trademark for a variety of rice

Threatened by air pollution from the Mae Moh lignite-fired power plant, the people of Ban Hua Fai in Thailand are fast losing patience. Hundreds of villagers suffering from respiratory problems now

Two small border towns, Tachilek in Myanmar and Mae Sai in Thailand, thrive on illegal trade in animal products. ANIL AGARWAL and SUNITA NARAIN take a stroll through the wildlife black market to give a gra

Thai farmers and activists object to a US company s use of the name Jasmati for a rice variety

Laboratory analyses of water taken from a creek passing through Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary show "startling and scary' levels of lead

The venom of the Malaya pitviper Calloselasma rhodostoma , collected from Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Java, shows considerable variations in its chemical composition. The pattern of variation is

The world's biggest exporter of rice now faces a serious threat: rodents. Peasants, struggling with the country's hard hit economy, are breeding Nutria coypu , or beaver rats, in a bid to make

The Thailand government's ambitious plans of buying natural gas from Burma and transporting it home through pipelines have met with stiff opposition from the local residents and nature conservation

Authorities in Thailand have warned that certain brands of cheap cosmetics sold in the markets could contain mercury and cause kidney failure or even death. The Food and Drug Administration has

According to Bangkok gemologists, hundreds of dangerously radio-active gemstones are circulating in the Asian markets and some have even found their way into finished jewellery. Tests conducted
