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FISH in the Sea of Japan have been found to have high levels of toxic chemicals such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBS) and dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane (DDT). A team of researchers led by

Twelve of the deadliest toxins known to humans were recently the focus of a debate between 92 nations seeking ways and means to curb their use

Too much of mercury causes infertility in men. And it can also come in the fish you eat

Botulinum toxin, a poison used in many chemical weapons, might prove to be a boon for people who perspire excessively. Scientists claim that the chemical can cure excessive perspiration. A disorder

Mother's milk contains carcinogenic toxins. But health authorities still advocate breast feeding as the benefits far outweigh the risks. According to a report of the Com

Research on snake venom and mongooses could lead to more effective anti venom drugs

Replacement and alteration of defective genes is a milestone in gene therapy

The brutal face of modern day terrorism bared its fangs recently on a busy subway system in Tokyo. On March 20, a vicious nerve gas spewed through subway cars and stations during the morning rush

Are chemicals used during the Gulf War causing sperm mutations among the war's soldiers?

A simple waste minimisation technique at an electroplating plant in Delhi improved the quality of its plating and saved the unit Rs 60,000 annually.
