Enable Block: 

To check irrational use of antibiotics, packs of certain medicines will soon carry a 'red line' differentiating them from other drugs.

A total of 16,744 people died as a result of infectious diseases on the Chinese mainland in 2015, according to official data revealed on Thursday.

Bhubaneswar: The air that you breathe in the city is not as safe as you may believe it to be. In fact, it's polluted enough to cause respiratory disorders.

Botswana and Global Fund on Wednesday signed two new grants totaling $27 million to mark a new phase of partnership, with a focus on preventing, treating and caring for people affected by HIV and t

It has been reported that 91,534 Nigerians are infected with with tuberculosis annually but sadly, several cases remain unreported, thereby making it difficult for the disease eradication.

Odisha is witnessing a spike in malaria incidence, thanks to non-distribution of long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) in endemic zones of the State.

There is a bright spot in an otherwise gloomy TB scenario in India.

MEERUT: A pungent smell of chemicals and dangerous silica particles greets the visitor the moment one enters the famous Kainchi (scissors) Bazaar here.

Workers at coal-based power plants in Delhi are suffering from asthma, bronchitis, or TB; industries account for 11 per cent of Delhi’s air pollution.

Most studies of delayed tuberculosis diagnosis focus on the adverse effect of time elapsed between the onset of symptoms to reaching diagnosis and subsequent patient outcomes and control of communi
