Computers and satellites will soon be used by transport authorities in USA and Europe to provide commuters a reprieve from traffic congestion

The US senate is in a dilemma because every alternative they have thought up to the contentious energy tax has received loud protests from some section of the American public.

NEXT TIME you liberally smear suntan lotion on your body and linger too long in the sun, beware: Sunscreens are not sunproof, say scientists. According to US epidemiologists Cedric and Frank

A US study refutes the notion that airline pilots nearing 60 are more likely to cause accidents than their younger colleagues. The two-year study, which analysed accident data between 1976 and

The public debate between Dutch environment minister Hans Alders and Sunita Narain of the Centre for Science and Environment, covering a whole variety of global environmental issues, including the forest convention and the climate convention, turned into

THAT A capitalist USA wants to share with the world its ideas for cleaner businesses comes clearly through in Management for a Small Planet. The message: We have made mistakes and botched up the

Biologists have found that some fish evolved into warm blooded creatures because their adventurous ancestors were exposed to large temperature variations.

Doctors and pharmaceutical companies have been slow to respond to growing evidence that peptic ulcers are better treated with antibiotics, rather than the traditional antacids.

AFTER ten years of frustrating toil, a band of gene-hunters from USA and the UK have at last nabbed the gene that causes Huntington's disease, a debilitating disorder of the nerves. The

THE DAYS of the European corn borer, a notorious maize pest found in North America and Europe, seem numbered now that researchers have been able to inject into susceptible crops a gene
