The memory of last year's oil price hike, and its economic and political fallouts, has faded from memory. As India awaits the 2007-08 Union budget, newspapers are abuzz with reports of more tax cuts

THE Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers siam says India produced over 10 million vehicles in 2006. The number of cars was more than one million. As the manufacture and sale of vehicles are

• Footage of Australian naturalist Steve Irwin's death will never be broadcast, his widow Terri has said in her first interview since his death in early September. "What purpose would that

vehicles restricted

Canadian gas kit trial in autos; auto drivers dissatisfied

The danger India faces today, in the world of cleaner diesel

us engine manufacturers will have to ensure that all heavy-duty trucks operating in California have computer systems to diagnose and warn drivers of emission problems. This first regulation of its

This last fortnight, after two disparate experiences, I came to realise there is not much difference between colas and cars. Let me explain how. A year ago, we released a study on the cocktail

What should be the price of natural gas in India? Till now, gas was pumped by the public sector company, the Oil and Natural Gas Commission and piped and sold by another public sector concern, the

The Supreme Court (sc) has told the Delhi government to rid the capital of traffic congestion. In this regard, the state authorities have been instructed to control the number of vehicles plying on
