Question raised in Lok Sabha on Waste Management, 07/02/2017. As per Annual Reports submitted by State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) /Pollution Control Committees (PCCs) till December 2016, the quantity of solid waste generation is estimated to be about 1.43 lakh tons per day in the year 2015-16.

Despite spending more than R10-million over nine months to resolve a massive stink, Enviroserv’s Shongweni landfill site, which receives vast quantities of “hazardous, not necessarily toxic” waste,

National Green Tribunal (Western Zone Bench, Pune) directed Mira Bhayendar Municipal Corporation in Mumbai to deposit Rs. 20/- crores in escrow account of Divisional Commissioner within two weeks to ensure that the proposed plant to treat the municipal solid waste is commissioned and operated within next eight months as stated by the Commissioner

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on New Technologies for Solid Waste Management, 02/02/2017. As per the assessment made by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) for 2015, the sewage generation in the urban areas of the country is estimated to be about 61,948 MLD (approx.) and sewage treatment capacity is for 23,277 MLD, which is about 37.6% of the total sewage generation. Further, as per the data available till Dec. 2016, the total amount of Solid waste generated in the urban areas of the country is about 1,57,478 MT/D, of which only 21.51% is being treated.

The healthcare sector is known to be a wellness centre and must unwittingly act as a source of further risk exposure to the healthcare staffs, patients and their families as well as the neighbourhood.

Luanda — A recycling plant dubbed "Angola Recicla", to value the solid waste, previously taken to landfills, was inaugurated on Monday in Luanda by the Environment minister, Fátima Jardim.

This policy report reviews the current status of waste management in Myanmar and confirms that it remains at a preliminary stage, attributed to challenges at both the national and city levels resulting from a range of technical, social, economic and institutional constraints.

The draft guidelines for pre-processing and co-processing of hazardous and other wastes in cement plants as per Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Trans-boundary Movement) Rules, 2016 has been prepared by CPCB.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Almitra H. Patel & Others. Vs. Union of India & Others dated 23/01/2017 regarding municipal solid waste management in India.

In just over half a century, plastics have become pervasive throughout the economy, due to their versatility and cost-effectiveness. Yet alongside clear benefits, today’s plastics system has significant drawbacks. This need not be the case, however.
