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A set of case studies was prepared as part of the World Bank’s Water Global Practice initiative 'Wastewater. Shifting paradigms: from waste to resource' to document existing experiences in the water sector on the topic.

agpur: Taking the ‘Clean Morna River’ campaign a step further, the Akola district administration plans to use National Environmental Engineering Research Institute’s (Neeri) patented technology of

Responsible, effective wastewater management is needed to address global water crises. This requires careful balance of the often-competing interests of stakeholders, as what poses a risk to the environment and public health may be a valuable resource to farmers and industry.

CAIRO Egypt (Xinhua) -- Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi said Monday that he would not allow the state to be hit by a water shortage crisis, official Ahram Online reported.

This report provides a cursory overview or snap-shot of the institutional and governance challenges that subsist and in many aspects have, arguably, deteriorated in the Department of Water and Sanitation.

This report provides concise exposition of the Malaysian urban wastewater management under the country’s existing primary federal environmental legislation.

Artificial sweeteners pop up in products all over the grocery store, from diet soda to yogurt, to help people keep calories down and pounds off.

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - It was a source of national pride - technology and discipline besting a crippling lack of water.

- Govt to remove vendors on 800m stretch

Water has always been a source of risks and opportunities in the Middle East and North Africa. Yet rapidly changing socioeconomic, political, and environmental conditions make water security a different, and more urgent, challenge than ever before. This report shows that achieving water security means much more than coping with water scarcity.
