Sanitation and wastewater treatment are key elements for global human health and aquatic biodiversity. Scenarios showed an improvement of sanitation but unimproved sanitation will not disappear before 2070. Wastewater treatment will also improve but not in all regions of the world.

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has published the Water Purification System (Regulation of Use) Rules, 2023. The rules outline guidelines for the proper management, storage, and utilization of reject water and discarded elements generated by these systems.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mahesh Chandra Saxena Vs Chief Secretary, Govt. of NCT of Delhi & Others dated 13/10/2023. In the Original Application, the issue relating to ground water contamination in reference to the rain water harvesting system installed in the housing societies in Dwarka was raised. The OA was disposed of with certain directions and thereafter, this Execution Application has been filed.

This publication, Water Quality in Agriculture: Risks and Risk Mitigation, emphasizes technical solutions and good agricultural practices, including risk mitigation measures suitable for the contexts of differently resourced institutions working in rural as well as urban and peri-urban settings in low- and middle-income countries.

The great expansion of economic activity since the end of World War II has caused an unprecedented rise in living standards, but it has also caused rapid changes in earth systems. Nearly all types of natural capital—the world’s stock of resources and services provided by nature—are in decline.

The steady increase in human population, widespread technological modernization, new and unsustainable lifestyle have invited and aggravated the problem of water scarcity. The right to access to drinking water is fundamental to life.

A global water security assessment led by United Nations water experts found that the majority of the world’s population currently live in water-insecure countries. This is a cause for major concern because water security is fundamental to development.

About 26 per cent of the world's population does not have access to safe drinking water and about 46% of people lack access to safely managed sanitation services, according to this new report by the United Nations.

Jal Jeevan Survekshan (JJS) was launched by Hon'ble vice President of India on 21st October 2022 to assess districts and states on their performance in achieving the objectives of the JJM.

Maintaining the state or health of rivers is a vital part of sustainable development. Healthy rivers are able to support and maintain key ecological processes and thus ecosystem services on which society depends.
