Thiruvananthapuram: India Meteorological Department


P. Sunderrajan

NEW DELHI: The India Meteorological Department on Friday forecast that rainfall during the coming southwest monsoon season would be near normal, at 96 per cent of the long period average (LPA).

The annual monsoon, crucial to the country

The RADAR Imaging Satellite (RISAT), to be launched from Sriharikota on April 20, will enable India manage disasters more efficiently, observed G Madhavan Nair, chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

NASA HAS used satellite data and a new modelling approach that could improve weather forecasting and save more lives when future cyclones develop. About 15 per cent of the world

AHMEDABAD : Mercury levels in the city have shot up with temperatures going two degrees above normal. Weatherman warns that there may be more dust storms this week. The last such storm hit the city in March and claimed 52 trees.

Predicted or confronting you out of the blues, bad weather can give anybody the jitters, especially when each of your business moves, right from the stage of planning to that of execution, will have to be weighed against the vagaries of weather and climatic changes. Not surprisingly, demand for intelligent, location specific weather data and reports has been on the rise.

Farmers adapt to changing weather by switching crops Farmers who have to live with the reality of unpredictable rainfall are trying to cope as best as they can. They are experimenting with different crops to see what works. And each time they start new field trials, they incur debts. In Andhra Pradesh, where intense rainfall incidents are increasing, farmers are growing fruit orchards.

Rising trend of short but intense spells of rainfall is making usable water scarce in India
