Over the last decade, social safety nets (SSNs) have rapidly expanded in Africa, becoming a core strategy for addressing poverty, responding to shocks, increasing productivity and investing in human capital.

Gender-responsive Climate Risk Insurance (CRI) schemes can provide risk protection that addresses differences in women and men’s vulnerability to both climate risks, and disaster-induced wellbeing loss.

Gender-responsive Climate Risk Insurance (CRI) schemes can provide risk protection that addresses differences in women and men’s vulnerability to both climate risks, and disaster-induced wellbeing loss.

India’s schemes to promote clean cooking are improving energy access for poor women. However, around half of the women surveyed are being left behind because they are not using LPG and continue to cook with biomass says this IISD report. It finds that the current LPG subsidies were inefficient and untargeted and needs to be reviewed.

Present a novel application of a regression decomposition technique, the Shapley Owen decomposition, to identify the aspects of empowerment associated with undernutrition in Niger.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Malnourishment in women and children, 28/11/2019.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Malnourishment in women and children, 28/11/2019.

A ground-breaking report on family planning in the world’s 69 lowest-income countries today shows that more women and girls have access to family planning than ever before. It reveals that 314 million women and girls are now using modern contraception, with 53 million new users in the last seven years, and 9 million in the past year alone.

A ground-breaking report on family planning in the world’s 69 lowest-income countries today shows that more women and girls have access to family planning than ever before. It reveals that 314 million women and girls are now using modern contraception, with 53 million new users in the last seven years, and 9 million in the past year alone.

Gender inequality in Africa remains high, and progress toward gender parity has stagnated. This is a large missed opportunity for African societies and for the continent’s growth prospects. If Africa steps up its efforts now to close gender gaps, it can secure a substantial growth dividend in the process.
