Land provides the basis for food production and is an indispensable input for economic livelihoods in rural areas. Landownership is strongly associated with social and economic power, not only across communities and households, but also within households.

This is the twentieth volume of Gender, Poverty, and Environmental Indicators and progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals in African Countries published by the Statistics Department of the African Development Bank Group.

This is the twentieth volume of Gender, Poverty, and Environmental Indicators and progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals in African Countries published by the Statistics Department of the African Development Bank Group.

If current trends are not checked, there will be more than 70 million babies born to teenage girls globally between now and 2030, a new report by Save the Children has found.

The Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) initiative, launched at the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning, aims to enable 120 million additional women to use modern contraceptive methods by 2020 in the world’s 69 poorest countries. It will require almost doubling the pre-2012 annual growth rate of modern contraceptive prevalence rat

The Little Data Book on Gender 2019 illustrates the progress towards gender equality for 217 economies around the world.

Between 2011 and 2017, CCAFS West Africa piloted how the dissemination of climate information services (CIS) to farmers in its climate-smart village sites (Lawra and Jirapa) in Ghana could help the

Widespread use of fuelwood and charcoal for cooking and heating is a notable barrier to achieving development and conservation goals in sub-Saharan Africa, yet previous attempts at introducing

As health workers approached a huge acacia tree that would provide shade for a makeshift clinic, more than 50 women and 30 children were already waiting for them.

Geothermal energy is globally recognized as a clean and reliable source of heat and electric power supply. The environmental and social risks posed by geothermal energy projects share common features with those of mining and extractive projects, as well as other large-scale energy infrastructure projects.
