Fisherfolk in the Philippines pour drums of poison into the reefs to make fishing easier

Reefs provide one fourth of the fish catch in developing countries

Will corals that have survived Nature s occasional acts of destruction through the centuries survive 50 years of human pressure?

The biological method of hospital waste management, which helps reclaim degraded land and cultivate medicinal plants, may be the best alternative to incineration

India is facing a serious double burden of disease. Most of the old infectious diseases like malaria, filariasis and kala-azar have not yet disappeared; indeed they are bouncing back. At the same time, other chronic non-communicable diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and respiratory disorders are becoming more dominant.

Indian industry is huge. But most environmentalists believe it has done little to reduce pollution, which will only rise as the economy grows. The Centre for Science and Environment has launched a Green Rating Project to assess the industry’s environmenta

The revival of an ancient waterway could solve the water scarcity of this pilgrim town

Adopting a comprehensive rating approach

The town of Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, looks no different from the nume

At the onset of the Green Rating Project, cse set up a project advisory panel
