For several years, governments of coastal states have been trying to persuade the Centre to relax the crz rules. Here is how some major developmental works are set to proceed once that happens

Ever since the Supreme Court sc ordered closure/relocation of polluting units in Delhi, which subsequently left nearly 50,000 people jobless, it has often been debated whether a conflict exists between environment conserva

In our haste to reclaim coastal regions for human development we seem to be forgetting one simple rule of nature: what is dumped out will eventually return to us in equal measure

The natural contamination of drinking water by arsenic needs to be urgently addressed.

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in the Western World. For effective treatment and prevention strategies to be put in place, the major risk factors associated with this disease must be identified. Data show that almost 300 variables are statistically associated with CHD. However, evidence suggests that the vast majority of coronary events can be explained on the basis of blood pressure, lipids, smoking, and diabetes.

The Kosi river Bihar s sorrow floods every year. But embankments built to control the floods have, in turn, made life miserable for the thousands of poor people living along the river s banks

There are certain plants, vegetables and fruits indigenous to India having medicinal properties. The knowledge of these properties rests with local communities who still rely on it. However, the issue of patenting Indian biological and traditional mate

The decades after Independence saw rampant destruction of trees. This was followed by years of drought. It was then that the villagers realised that no forests meant no rain

In his 30-year teaching career, Joginath Sahoo has seen more trees in his life than students. When he enters his classroom in Kesharpur village in Orissa's Nayagarh

Dhenkanal is one of the pioneers in community forest movement of Orissa. In 1937, this erstwhile princely state saw a prajameli (people's revolution) for complete rights over forest resources and
