The reluctance of financial institutions to be made answerable will stymie progress on implementing the Earth Summit agreentents.

As per capita private consumption declines in the country, the number of its poor is increasing.

Malaria is attaining near epidemic proportions in the country but researchers in Madras hold out a ray of hope. They have produced an environmentally safe pesticide that kills mosquito larvae.

The North and South disagree on classifying logged timber.

In 1992, even rich nations began to feel the pinch of impoverishment and it hurt enough to make them cut down on global charity

Apples are at the care of Himachal politics and withdrawal of subsidies can be politically disastrous

CHINESE science is going the market way. A new policy recommends the withdrawal of state funding for twothirds of the country's research scientists. But scientists protest their work has vital

Though Indian electronics exporters heaved a sigh of relief following the postponement of die EC trade restrictions low, there are still fears that export orders may dry up.

SOMALI activist Rakiya Omaar, who helped establish Africa Watch and served as its executive director for four years, has been dismissed for opposing the United Nations military intervention in

In the year of UNCED, the green movement continued to take tosses in the global context. The perception of the environmental crisis as mainly being a failure of technology and management was only one obstacle. Even more disastrous, UNCED paved the way for
