The Millennium Development Goals report 2012
The Millennium Development Goals report 2012

Even in countries with rapidly growing economies, large number of people still resort to open defecation: 626 million in India, 14 million in China & 7 million in Brazil finds this 2012 report which assesses the regional progress on eight MDGs.
Three important targets on poverty, slums and water have been met three years ahead of 2015, says the 2012 Report on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Meeting the remaining targets, while challenging, is possible ─ but only if Governments do not waiver from their commitments made over a decade ago. The current economic crises be setting much of the developed world must not be allowed to decelerate or reverse the progress that has been made. The MDG Report says that, for the first time since poverty trends began to be monitored, both the number of people living in extreme poverty and the poverty rates have fallen in every developing region—including sub‐Saharan Africa, where rates are highest. The MDG Report also notes another success: reaching the target of halving the proportion of people without access to improved sources of drinking water by 2010. The proportion of people using improved water sources rose from 76 per cent in 1990 to 89 per cent in 2010, translating to more than two billion people currently with access to improved sources such as piped supplies or protected wells.
See Also
Feature: The flush, the city & the river.
Report: Asia-Pacific regional MDG report 2011/12 - accelerating equitable achievement of the MDGs.
Report: Global monitoring report 2012 - food prices, nutrition, and the MDGs.
Report: Millennium Development Goals India country report 2011.
Report: The Millennium Development Goals report 2011.
Report: Progress for children - achieving the MDGs with equity.