Vanilla is a climbing terrestrial orchid grown in warm humid tropics. It is the second most expensive flavouring spice after saffron. Vanilla planifolia is the commercially grown variety. Growing of vanilla beans is quite complicated and labour intensive and its processing is a slow process requiring skills.

Predicted impacts on human health due to climate change include increases in temperature related illnesses, vector borne diseases, health impacts related to extreme weather events, and health effects due to food insecurity. These changes will require more emphasis to be placed on planning for health facilities, as well as increased capacity of the medical community to cope with these changes.

Water is important for economic development, and many parts of India already face issues of water scarcity. This study predicts that intensity of rainfall will increase under climate change. Issues such as water scarcity may also become more prevalent.

A presentation by Wayne Whitlock to the California Mining Association Annual Conference in May 2005 addressed the impacts of growing water quality and endangered species requirements on the already heavily regulated mining industry. These requirements add increasing complexity and conflicting demands to the permitting, operation and reclamation of the state's mines and quarries.

These are the guidelines issued by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board for environment friendly immersion of idols.

Letter to M/s Adani Chemicals Limited from additional director on establishment of salt works at Mundra District Kachchh by M/s Adani Chemicals Limited dated 04/08/2005.

A bill to consolidate the laws relating to food and to establish the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India for laying down science based standards for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import, to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

The Ministry of Steel, constituted an

India is protecting its tigers against all odds; the biggest threat to the tiger today is not poaching per se, but a deadly combination of the poachers

The main objective of this study in Kaziranga National Park (Assam) was two fold: 1) Review of protection strategies and suggestion to enhance their effectiveness and 2) Development of a comprehensive capacity building plan for frontline staff.
