The Sardar Sarovar Project is an inter-state multi-purpose project on the river Narmada in Gujarat. It is a joint venture between the States of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. Although the project was originally envisaged in the year 1946, due to the dispute regarding sharing of waters of the Narmada between the co-basin states, it could not be initiated. Under the Inter-state Water Disputes Act, 1956, Narmada Water

Clean streets, clean localities, clean markets

In many poor countries, the recent increases in prices of staple foods raise the real incomes of those selling food, many of whom are relatively poor, while hurting net food consumers, many of whom are also relatively poor. The impacts on poverty will certainly be very diverse, but the average impact on poverty depends upon the balance between these two effects, and can only be determined by looking at real-world data. Results using household data for ten observations on nine low-income countries

International cereal prices (in US dollar terms) have been increasing since 2003, but it is domestic prices that affect food consumption and production. This report analyzes, for seven large Asian countries, the extent to which domestic prices have increased since 2003 and presents several conclusions.

This paper highlights the impact of environmental degradation on migration. Through a gravity regression model, it assesses the impact of thirteen global environmental factors on migration flows across 172 countries of the world.

The interlinking of rivers programme (ILR) programme is aimed at linking different surplus rivers of country with the deficient rivers so that the excess water from surplus region could be diverted to deficient region.

The recent spike in global food prices and the short-sighted policy responses that accentuate volatility in prices threaten to push large numbers of people back below the poverty line

Report by the task group set-up for analyzing the
problems of hilly habitations in areas covered by the Hill Areas Development Programme/Western Ghats Development Programme.

The Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC), a national program for sanitation by the Government of India, has been ongoing for more than three years. The TSC program is managed by the Rajiv Ghandi Mission for Drinking Water of the Rural Development Department at the national level.

Performance improvement planning helps service providers in bringing about incremental improvements in services by applying the principles of commercial orientation and financial viability. This overview paper discusses the context for performance improvement plans in India, and the key elements and objectives
that such strategies should constitute.
