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This report addresses the potential implementation of a landfill gas (LFG) collection, control and utilization project at the Pirana Landfill located in Ahmedabad, India. The U.S. EPA

This report shows the impact of the average African to be low by western standards. But it also reveals that a growing number of African countries are now depleting their natural resources

Climate change is not just an environmental issue; and responding to climate change is not just about turning to more efficient energy technologies. Climate change is also an economic issue and the poverty-stricken Asia and Pacific region must learn to cope with it now and prepare for a future of more change.

A destructive combination of earthquakes, floods, droughts and other hazards make South Asia is the world

This report represents a summary of selected issues from the European Environment Agency Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism (EEA TERM) set of transport and environment integration indicators.

This paper quantifies how African farmers have adapted their crop and irrigation decisions to their farm's current agro-ecological zone. The results indicate that farmers carefully consider the climate and other conditions of their farm when making these choices. These results are then used to forecast how farmers might change their irrigation and crop choice decisions if climate changes. The model predicts African farmers would adopt irrigation more often under a very hot and dry climate scenario but less often with a mild and wet scenario.

One of the principal concerns today for the deteriorating quality
of water supply and sanitation services in India is the high
levels of nonrevenue water (NRW)

This report develops a Structural Ricardian model to measure climate change impacts that explicitly models the choice of farm type in African agriculture. This two stage model first estimates the type of farm chosen and then the conditional incomes of each farm type after removing selection biases.

To address the wastewater management issue of medium to small-scale industries and other commercial establishments and institutions the WASPA Project has developed a series of booklets for selected sectors. This booklet is written as a guideline on wastewater management for vehicle service stations.
