The increasing demand for water, energy and food, and the interdependence of these systems could lead to potential human conflict in the future. This was seen in the food crisis of 2008, which stirred a renewed interest in taking a “systems” approach to managing resources.

The Tana River is one of Kenya’s most important rivers. It is the principal water source for Nairobi, the capital city, providing water for hydroelectric power generation and irrigation. Several of the flagship projects laid out in Vision 2030 – the blueprint that guides Kenya’s national development – are located in the basin.

Water is a crosscutting issue across many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, there is one goal that is focused explicitly on water - Goal 6. Sustainable

Efficient use of water resources is gaining priority in global development policy debates due to the increasing demand for water from agriculture, industry, energy production and ecosystem services.