The Sacred City of Kandy is likely to lose its World Heritage City status due to its air pollution levels that are higher than the national and World Health Organisation standards, claims an authority in the transport sector.

Head of the Engineering Faculty at the Moratuwa University Professor Amal Kumarage, who also heads the Department of Transport and Logistic Management, says the United Nat

A top regional scientist says Sri Lanka should avoid excessive importation of cars as Colombo was facing detrimental health and environmental conditions.

New Delhi based Centre for Science and Environment Research and Advocacy Director Anumita Roychowdhury says South Asian cities have the chance to grow differently and avert the increasing air pollution crisis that produce dangerous chemicals b

Governments around the world will decide, at the on-going Fifth Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention, whether to continue allowing the recycling of materials containing dangerous chemicals, Executive Director of the Centre for Environmental Justice Hemantha Withanage said.

The Stockholm Convention

A study by the committee of the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Sri Lanka indicates 16 District Secretariat Divisions emerge as highly vulnerable to drought exposure.

Overall, The island Financial Review learns Sri Lanka needs nearly Rs. 48 billion

Developed nations should begin to deliver the US$ 30 billion fast, which is necessary to build the trust and goodwill for the negotiations at Cancun, which starts in Mexico, India

The Turtle Conservation Project (TCP) of Sri Lanka established in the early nineties by a group of young volunteers with the aim of conserving marine turtles is also helping a number of community based projects.

With the assistance of UNDP

Non Government Organizations had funded so called environmentalists to the tune of Rs. 3.7 million to block the proposed compost plant and final disposal facility in Dompe, Environment and Natural Resources Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka said at a media conference yesterday.

High US Government officials believe that it is highly unreasonable by the developing nations to request the industrialized nations or the Annexure One countries to cut down greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent in 2020.

Only 45 per cent of the youth in Sri Lanka are aware of the destructive nature of climate change, said British Council, Sri Lanka Country Director Gill Westaway on Tuesday, at a panel discussion titled `Youth in Sri Lanka and Climate Change.

Nearly all the people who were aware about the issue expressed concern over the phenomenon, he said

Commercial progress in Nanotechnology requires standards, based on science and engineering and is of paramount importance to network with all stakeholders to promote initiatives and technology to industry to add value, said Small and Medium Enterprise Developers (SMED) Director, Renuka Herath.
