Steps will be taken to minimise elephant deaths due to train accidents with the assistance of the Railway and Wildlife Departments in the Anuradhapura District.

The Ceylon Electricity Board has earned the rare privilege of registering with the United Nations Carbon Development Mechanism (CDM) Programme following construction of the Broadland Power Project.

Over 4,560 persons have contracted rat fever within the past seven months. The highest number of cases was reported from the Kurunegala District.

The Government will not engage in any development projects without the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) report, Agrarian and Wildlife Minister S. M.

A new "smart" transportation system is being proposed and tested as a pilot project through the Ministry of Environment with joint partner of U.S.A.

The aim of this project is to test and introduce a new transportation system that can help people reduce traffic and vehicle overcrowding on the roads as well as reduce pollution in Sri Lanka.

Zebigo along with the (AirMac) Air Resour

Forest dependency as a means of livelihood has dropped perceptibly in villages particularly near wet zone forests during the past few decades.

Plans are afoot by the Sustainable Energy Authority (SEA) to recommend to the country

The Private Bus Owners Association of Sri Lanka yesterday vowed that that they would campaign against the Vehicle Emission Testing Programme (VET)unless the Petroleum Ministry took steps to produce diesel with low Sulphur levels.

The VET programme was jointly implemented by the Environment and Natural Resources and Transport Ministry in 2007 to reduce dangerous gases that cause air pollution.

The Ceylon Electricity Board had cut down carbon emissions by 1.15 million tons during 2010, thereby saving Rs. 2.600 billion, according to international carbon rating standards.

Currently, a ton of carbon is valued at between Euro 15 and 20, according Power and Energy Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka.

The high living standards of the population in the west have been maintained by drawing from the ecological resources of the developing countries and this fact of environmental debt has been largely unrecognized or has not been researched up to now.

The externalities or costs to the environment are not fully paid for goods consumed in the west, which cause environmental or ecological damage in
