India plans to use bilateral meetings to target the issue of subsidies that the US gives to its own solar programmes, as New Delhi seeks to overcome the setback at the WTO where it lost a case to W

As more and more companies get affected by environmental urgencies, tough environmental regulations and consumer pressures, India Inc is realising the urgent need to measure and mitigate the busine

In a move to fast-track green nods, the government will digitise environment and forest clearances (EC and FC) at both the central and state levels.

Decision-making at the ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) quickened after January 2013, when a freshly-formed Cabinet Committee on Investment (CCI) started inducing vigour to the process, r

With the Orissa government levying a fine of Rs 57,904 crore on 27 mining firms for excess excavation, the environment ministry has shot off letters to more than 70 miners seeking information on th

After being slammed by the Gujarat High Court for a poor scrutiny of the Adani Group’s special economic zone at Mundra SEZ, the ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) is unlikely to extend the

Vested with the Herculean task of fast-tracking decisions on scores of large projects, environment minister M Veerappa Moily has embarked on a drive to reassign jobs to the key officials in his ministry, reports Kirtika Suneja in

New Delhi. Moily has also reconstituted the various expert appraisal committees (EAC) of the ministry, besides shuffling the work allocated among officers.

India will have to furnish details about its ambitious food subsidy programme and how it plans to balance it with the export of foodgrains if it wants an agreement in the Bali ministerial in Decemb

Land acquisition may continue to be a hurdle despite Parliament approving the new Land Acquisition Bill, but the country’s top corporates are sitting on around 2,200 hectares that have become avail

Recognising monitoring as the weakest link in the forest clearance (FC) process, the environment ministry is planning to increase the frequency of monitoring of projects.
