Gender-sensitive policy and programming have an integral role to play in fostering inclusive agricultural growth to meet the commitments of African countries to the Malabo Declaration goals. The 2019 Annual Trends and Outlook Report from ReSAKSS applies a gender lens to key issues that must be addressed to fully achieve these goals.

There is growing recognition of the importance of women’s empowerment in its own right and for a range of development outcomes, but less understanding of what empowerment means to rural women and men. The challenge of measuring empowerment, particularly across cultures and contexts, is also garnering attention.

This paper makes a case for gender equity in the agricultural R&D system. It reviews the evidence on exactly why it is important to pay attention to gender issues in agriculture and why it is necessary to recognize women

Ensuring that poor people can adapt to climate change
and benefit from mitigation measures such as payments for
carbon sequestration requires more than technology. Key
institutions must also be in place. This brief provides an
overview of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies,
highlighting the institutional arrangements for each

One of the lingering effects of the food price crisis of 2007

This paper utilizes two different approaches to assess the impact of significantly scaling up investment in public agricultural research in developing countries in general, and in the CGIAR in particular. First, it models the potential impact of doubling research investment on agricultural (food) production and poverty reduction, and also on international food prices.