Entire power to be supplied to state distribution utility MahaVitaran

Investments of up to Rs 40,000 crore expected in next 2 years; however, implementation challenges need to be addressed, caution many

Expects to finalise plan next week for replacing those with generation capacity of 36,000 Mw

Refers matter to Anil Kakodkar-led committee

Court to take up the matter for hearing on July 14

Asks states to set up single window for all clearances and establish metering and communication infrastructure for RE pooling stations

The Union environment ministry has accorded clearance under the coastal zone regulations for enhancing the coal handling capacity, installation of a coal conveyor, stackyard and flue-gas desulfuris

The Maharashtra government has in its draft of the new housing policy proposed foreign direct investment (FDI) for the development of special townships.

Accord will help plants run at higher plant load factor

Amendment is also proposed to extend the mining leases deemed to be extended from the date of their last renewal to March 31, 2030
