The diversity of opinions that debates about Bt brinjal have generated over the last year (for example, see refs 1–8) has contributed to the haziness of the future of the variety. This note attempts to collate the opinions of various scientists in the hope that some clarity may emerge if the different argu-
ments are presented in one place.

Ashtavaidya, a unique practice of Ayurvedic medicine is an amalgamation of
the codified Ayurvedic medical knowledge and non-codified folk medical tradition of India, and is practised by a few physician families in Kerala.

The year 2011 will mark the completion of 150 years since John Tyndall

The question in the title is more difficult to answer than it may seem at first. A

As the world is moving towards cleaner and more sustainable energy alternatives, biofuels have gained a lot of importance, mainly because they are