March 10 : Ecologists like me are called

Since 1966 - and as a consequence of the introduction of the Green Revolution model of water intensive, chemical farming - India has over-exploited her groundwater, creating a water famine.

THE APPROVAL of Bt Brinjal by the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) has exposed the unscientific basis on which genetically-engineered crops are being commercialised, and it raises questions about the entire bio-safety process.

Vandana Shiva

THE UNITED Nations climate change conference at Copenhagen next month is meant to further the goals of a global environmental treaty -- the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The traditional Indian strategy of resolving conflict by non-cooperation, the satyagraha, has been revived in the Chipko, or "Embrace the Tree", the movement to protect trees from commercial felling. This paper traces the development of the philosophy and the non-violent resistance activities from the beginnings of Chipko in the early 1970's in Garhwal to its present role throughout most of India. It is unique in that it is based not on the politics of the distribution of wealth but on that of sustainable ecological stability, and it is dominated by women.

Sept.11 : In times when food is genetically manipulated and chemically contaminated, the metaphor "food for thought" can also stand for manipulated information and be toxic food for thought. Unfortunately, Dr M.S. Swaminathan
