Dams are being built in different sizes depending on the requirements and the height permissible at the particular site. The higher a dam, the larger the concerns for undesirable impacts that have to be mitigated and the assurance that has to be given to everyone that the dam is not a time bomb, the unfortunate sentiment that many tend to possess. Dams have multi-directional benefits that are much larger than the visible damage that it creates.

A smart grid is an electrical grid that uses information and communications technology to gather and act on information providing intelligence to any electrical grid. It consists of a system of very precise measurements of power system voltages and currents.

Basin-wise live storage capacities under major & medium irrigation project in India (statistical data).

Eleventh Plan aiming to add about 78 GW of new capacity by 2012, the power sector is now the focus of a lot of action. Higher capacity unit sizes of 660 MW and 800 MW are the talk of the Indian Power Sector. This dissertation makes an effort to understand the technical and execution aspects of installing these high capacity units.

The Ratle Hydro Electric Project located on River Chenab in J&K state of India is planned to be developed as Run of the river scheme. It is located down stream of Dulhasti Project and Upstream of Baghlihar Project near the village Drabshala in Kishtwar District.

The author describes how the investment in modernization, focused on automation of large unlined, gravity fed irrigation systems has resulted in increases in efficiency of the system from about 70% to 90% in Victoria, Australia.

This paper provides an overview of the author's 20 year experience in the successful implementation in development, adaptation and application of automation technology to existing open channel irrigation system in Australia and a few other countries.

Clean and safe drinking water is a basic human need and providing it for everybody would be the greatest achievement by 2025. Out of 6 billion people on earth not more than one six lacks access to potable water. Also of the total water resources only 1% of fresh water is available for human consumption. To solve this problem, the means and ways have to be explored to reduce, reuse and recycling of water we have. Recycling of water using Solar Still is one of the popular and economic methods.

As the notion of climate change driven by the burning of fossil fuels gains more and more prominence in the eyes of the public and policymakers, the push toward the increasing role of renewable energy sources is seen as one of the key solutions to the problem.

Construction of embankments is a popular structural measure of flood control. However, when breaches occur, as in case of Kosi & Malda embankments, extensive damages and loss of life occur. The need for critically analyzing the exact causes has been highlighted in the article, to avert such catastrophe in future.
