The Indian healthcare industry may grow by 50 per cent between 2006 and 2013. Infrastructure spending on healthcare is expected to touch $4.2 billion by end of this period from the current level of $6.7 billion. However, its geographical spread is still going to be biased, according to a recent KPMG report, Global Infrastructure

The Indian healthcare industry may grow by 50 per cent between 2006 and 2013. Infrastructure spending on healthcare is expected to touch $4.2 billion by end of this period from the current level of $6.7 billion. However, its geographical spread is still going to be biased, according to a recent KPMG report, Global Infrastructure

May 19, 2009. Parliament

The government is pushing ahead with its 'aam aadmi' campaign with the President I promising a National Food Security Act. Providing food to the poor is inherent to effectively combating poverty and, therefore, I feel the intention of the government is laudable.

In February 2006, when the disparate pieces of executive orders, press notes, government regulations that formed the basis of the SEZ framework from April 2000 were all consolidated and given effect as a cogent piece of legislation called the SEZ Act, 2005, there was great hope.

In February 2006, when the disparate pieces of executive orders, press notes, government regulations that formed the basis of the SEZ framework from April 2000 were all consolidated and given effect as a cogent piece of legislation called the SEZ Act, 2005, there was great hope.


What makes a city a destination of choice for today

Inefficiency in public spending is one of the biggest and most persistent problems plaguing governance in the country. The solution lies in targeted spending, but it has proved difficult to accomplish so far.

Like all successes, the UPA
