The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is committed to helping achieve access to energy for all people in the region. The stories in this publication

India has many years of experience using renewable energy sources to fulfill the energy needs of its population. This includes exploitation of both traditional sources (such as biomass) and nontraditional sources (such as wind power).

In support of its poverty alleviation mandate, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is committed to increasing access to clean and affordable energy for people throughout the Asia and Pacific region, particularly the poor.

This paper examines the financial and economic feasibility of adoption of an energy-conserving technology in the household sector in Sri Lanka. Results shows that the adoption of this energy-conserving technology is financially profitable and economically viable. Systematic incorporation of environmental benefits further strengthens the case for energy conservation.

This report describes important methodological issues involved in generating internationally comparable estimates of poverty. The special chapter, titled Comparing Poverty Across Countries: The Role of Purchasing Power Parities, also provides comparable rates of poverty using price data specific to the Asia and Pacific region, and, critically, to the poor. A major contribution of the report is to examine the sensitivity of poverty estimates to different methods for evaluating purchasing power parities (PPP).
