Will the global climate regime resemble the trade regime? If so, what would such a development imply for the governance of climate change?

This note undertakes a preliminary exploration of LCGPs in order to inform discussions on the appropriate role, if any, of this device in the global climate regime. What is the rationale for
LCGPs? What exactly constitutes a LCGP and what are the implications with regard to monitoring, reporting and verification for a country undertaking a LCGP? To what extent

The Bangkok and Barcelona negotiations demonstrated that the international climate negotiations have yet to reach the level of maturity required for states to adopt a legally binding

After months of faltering and incremental progress on negotiating text, two months before the end of the two year process leading to the Copenhagen Climate Conference, 2009, diplomats in Bangkok finally started debating the substantive ideas underlying Parties

This paper will first provide a synoptic account of the problems relating to water; from that diagnostic statement it will proceed to an adumbration of the responses needed and the changes in water policy that they call for; and it will then outline the water law reform that this requires.

This paper discusses domestic politics around climate change in India as an entry point to understanding India

This article identifies and explores the range of legal form options available to states in the negotiation process, and outlines the political and strategic considerations at play which will ultimately govern choice of legal form. This article argues that one of the most significant factors hindering substantive progress on a post-2012 climate agreement is, what

This set of four papers addresses different facets of the Special Economic Zones (SEZs). Provides an overview of the rationale underpinning the SEZ policy and raises a number of questions about SEZ and questions the seriousness and rigour of the approval process. It has focused on its implication for urban growth and the governance of the SEZs.

This paper documents the Andhra Pradesh experience of institutionalizing social audits into the implementation of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, and uses it to analyze the social audit process. It draws on empirical work aimed at measuring the effectiveness of social audits conducted in Andhra Pradesh between March and December 2007.

This paper documents the Andhra Pradesh experience of institutionalizing social audits into the implementation of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, and uses it to analyze the social audit process. It draws on empirical work aimed at measuring the effectiveness of social audits conducted in Andhra Pradesh between March and December 2007.
